Busting Dental Hygiene Myths | Bell Dentist

Dental hygiene plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health, yet myths and misconceptions often cloud the path to optimal oral care. In this blog post, we will debunk some prevalent dental hygiene myths to help you make informed decisions and achieve a healthier smile.

  • Myth: Brushing harder is better.
  • Many believe that applying excessive force while brushing will lead to cleaner teeth. However, dentists recommend a gentle touch to prevent enamel erosion and gum recession. Opt for a soft-bristled toothbrush and use a circular or back-and-forth motion for effective cleaning without damaging your teeth and gums.
  • Myth: Mouthwash can replace brushing and flossing.
  • While mouthwash can be a valuable addition to your oral care routine, it is not a substitute for brushing and flossing. These activities work together to remove plaque and bacteria from different areas of your mouth. Incorporate mouthwash as a supplementary step, not a replacement, for comprehensive oral hygiene.
  • Myth: You only need to see the dentist if you have a problem.
  • Regular dental check-ups are essential for preventive care. Dentists can detect issues early on, preventing more extensive and costly treatments. Even if your teeth feel fine, schedule routine check-ups to maintain optimal oral health and catch potential problems before they escalate.
  • Myth: Sugar is the sole cause of cavities.
  • While excessive sugar consumption can contribute to cavities, it’s not the only factor. Poor oral hygiene, infrequent dental check-ups, and acidic foods and drinks also play a role. Focus on a well-rounded approach to dental care by brushing, flossing, and limiting sugary and acidic substances.
  • Myth: Chewing gum is just as effective as brushing.
  • Chewing sugar-free gum can stimulate saliva production, aiding in the prevention of cavities. However, it does not replace the thorough cleaning provided by brushing and flossing. View gum as a complement to your oral care routine, not a substitute.
  • Myth: Flossing isn’t necessary.

Some people believe that brushing alone is sufficient for maintaining oral health. However, flossing is crucial for removing plaque and debris between teeth, which a toothbrush can’t reach effectively. Make flossing a daily habit to ensure a thorough clean and reduce the risk of gum disease.

Dispelling dental hygiene myths is key to fostering a healthier smile. By embracing evidence-based practices, such as gentle brushing, regular dental check-ups, and proper flossing techniques, you can safeguard your oral health and promote overall well-being. Stay informed, adopt a comprehensive oral care routine, and let go of these myths for a brighter, healthier smile.

If you would like to find out more, contact Dr. Ahmadi at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.

Oral Herpes: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention | Bell Dentist

Oral herpes, commonly known as cold sores or fever blisters, is a prevalent viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). While it may not be a comfortable topic to discuss, understanding oral herpes is crucial for promoting awareness, reducing stigma, and preventing its spread.


Oral herpes typically manifests as small, painful blisters or sores around the mouth, lips, or gums. These lesions can be accompanied by itching, burning, or tingling sensations. The initial outbreak is often more severe than subsequent ones and may be accompanied by flu-like symptoms, such as fever and swollen glands.


HSV-1, the primary cause of oral herpes, is highly contagious and can be transmitted through direct contact with an infected person or their saliva. The virus can also spread through shared items like utensils or towels. While oral herpes is commonly associated with kissing, it can be transmitted through various forms of close personal contact.


Although there is no cure for oral herpes, antiviral medications can help manage symptoms and reduce the frequency of outbreaks. Over-the-counter creams and ointments may provide relief, but prescription medications are often more effective in controlling the virus. It’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Preventing the transmission of oral herpes involves practicing good hygiene and being mindful of personal contact. Avoiding close contact with individuals experiencing an outbreak, refraining from sharing personal items, and using barrier methods during intimate activities can help reduce the risk of transmission. Furthermore, maintaining a strong immune system through a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can contribute to preventing outbreaks.

Oral herpes is a common condition that, while incurable, can be effectively managed with proper care and treatment. Education and open communication are essential in reducing the stigma associated with the virus and promoting responsible behavior to prevent its spread. If you suspect you have oral herpes or are concerned about the risk of transmission, seek guidance from a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and appropriate management strategies. Remember, awareness and understanding are key to minimizing the impact of oral herpes on individuals and communities alike.

If you would like to learn more, contact Dr. Ahmadi at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.

The Silent Threat: Oral Infections | Bell Dentist

Oral health is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being, yet it often takes a back seat in our daily healthcare routine. One of the most underestimated risks to our oral health is the threat of oral infections. These infections can silently wreak havoc, causing discomfort, pain, and even long-term damage if left untreated.

The Hidden Dangers

Oral infections encompass a range of conditions, from common gum diseases like gingivitis to more severe issues like abscesses. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi can find a home in our mouths, thriving in warm and moist environments. Poor oral hygiene, a diet high in sugars, and a weakened immune system can create a breeding ground for these microorganisms.

Gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease, is often characterized by swollen and bleeding gums. If neglected, it can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease that can lead to tooth loss. Oral abscesses, pockets of pus that form within the teeth or gums, are another serious consequence of untreated infections. Not only do they cause intense pain, but they can also spread infection to other parts of the body if not addressed promptly.

Prevention is Key

The good news is that oral infections are largely preventable with proper oral hygiene practices. Regular brushing and flossing, coupled with routine dental check-ups, play a crucial role in keeping these infections at bay. Avoiding excessive sugar consumption and adopting a balanced diet can also contribute to overall oral health.

Early Detection and Intervention

Being vigilant about the signs of oral infections is equally important. Persistent bad breath, swollen or bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, and pain are red flags that should not be ignored. Seeking prompt dental care at the first sign of trouble can prevent the escalation of the infection and minimize potential damage.

Oral infections are a silent threat that can compromise not only our oral health but also our overall well-being. By prioritizing preventive measures and staying attuned to the early signs of infection, we can safeguard our smiles and enjoy a lifetime of good oral health. Don’t let the silent threat of oral infections catch you off guard—take proactive steps to protect your teeth and gums today.

If you want to learn more, contact Dr. Ahmadi at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.

The Difference Between Commercial and Private Dental Practices | Bell Dentist

When it comes to oral health, the choice between a commercial dental practice and a private dental practice is a decision that many individuals face. Each type of practice has its unique set of characteristics, catering to diverse preferences and needs.

Commercial dental practices, often part of larger corporate chains, are characterized by their accessibility and widespread availability. These practices are typically found in bustling commercial areas, making them convenient for individuals seeking dental care amid their busy lives. With extended hours and walk-in appointments, commercial practices prioritize accessibility, aiming to accommodate a broad spectrum of patients.

On the other hand, private dental practices are smaller, independently owned clinics that often foster a more personalized atmosphere. These practices are commonly run by a single dentist or a small group of practitioners, emphasizing continuity of care and a deeper patient-dentist relationship. Private practices are known for their patient-centered approach, where individuals can expect more individualized attention and a familiar face during each visit.

One of the defining differences between commercial and private practices is the approach to treatment plans and procedures. Commercial practices may employ a more standardized approach, driven by corporate guidelines, whereas private practices often have the flexibility to tailor treatment plans to the specific needs and preferences of their patients. This personalized touch can create a more comfortable and reassuring experience for individuals seeking dental care.

Cost considerations also play a significant role in the decision-making process. Commercial practices may offer competitive pricing and package deals, appealing to those on a budget. Private practices, while potentially perceived as more expensive, often provide a transparent breakdown of costs and may work with patients to explore financing options. The emphasis on quality and personalized care in private practices can be a worthwhile investment for those who prioritize a comprehensive and individualized dental experience.

In conclusion, the choice between a commercial and private dental practice ultimately boils down to individual preferences, priorities, and the level of care one seeks. Whether it’s the convenience and accessibility of commercial practices or the personalized touch of private clinics, both options contribute to the diverse landscape of dental care, ensuring that individuals can find a provider that aligns with their unique needs and expectations.

If you would like to find out more about proper brushing habits, contact Dr. Ahmadi at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.

What To Know About Wisdom Tooth Removal | Bell Dentist

Wisdom tooth removal is a very common procedure performed on a majority of young adults and is nothing to be afraid of. Wisdom teeth are located behind our molars and don’t typically break beyond the gemlike until our late teens to early twenties, if at all. Yet, if they do break, they can crowd valuable gum space and can cause third molars to grow improperly and teeth to overlap one another; for individuals with small mouths and jaws, this is especially detrimental.

If your wisdom teeth do break through, and begin to cause problems, here is the process you can expect to go through with your dentist, and what recovery will look like when you get home.

Consultation. If you are feeling the growing pains of new teeth coming in at the back of your jaw, it may be a sign your wisdom teeth are coming in. It is common for this set of teeth to erupt in young adults between one’s late teenage years to their early twenties.

Removal. The removal process will look a little different for everyone depending on the circumstances of tooth positioning, jaw size and angle at which wisdom teeth come in. For some, this set of molars does not impact their jaw or existing teeth and they can safely retain them. Most people however do require removal and have two options:

         IV Sedation. For those with dental anxiety or who are generally concerned about their procedure, IV sedation is a great option. Upon arrival, you are allowed a few minutes to breathe and relax as an IV drip slowly puts you to sleep. When the procedure is over, you will wake up and may experience a somewhat dazed feeling until the solution fades.

         Nitrous Oxide. Commonly known as “laughing gas”, nitrous oxide allows one to remain awake during the procedure and is administered as a means of relaxing an individual into their procedure. It’s important to note that nitrous oxide does not work for everyone and that increased amounts do not necessarily mean a more effective result.

Recovery. Initial recovery from the effects of sedation or nitrous oxide after surgery typically only lasts a few hours. Healing time for the gums can take up to two weeks and the reintroduction of certain foods follow this period so as not to further disturb your gums. Your dentist will speak with you about proper cleaning methods for the gums to ensure a safe and effective healing process.

Wisdom tooth removal can be viewed as either a rite of passage into adulthood or terrifying for someone to go through. Either way, the removal of our wisdom teeth for those who attain them is important.

If you would like to find out more about proper brushing habits, contact Dr. Ahmadi at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.

Cavities: What They Are and How They Happen | Bell Dentist

Cavities are something a majority of us can expect to encounter at least once in our lifetimes. It’s important to understand the behaviors that can increase the likelihood you will get a cavity and the different ways dentists go about treating simple and serious decay. Here are some things we think you should know about cavities so you can stop them before you need to treat them.

How They Happen

Acidic Foods– Citric acid contained in lemons, limes, and oranges also pops up as an ingredient in processed foods. Citric acid and others weaken teeth and put enamel in danger of erosion which in turn creates crevices for bacteria to stick and become a cavity. It would be difficult to avoid citric acid, so the best thing you can do is consume water throughout the day and keep the intake of acidic foods to a minimum.

Sugar– While sugar doesn’t cause cavities, like citric acid, it contributes to the likelihood you may develop one. Sugar is a harmful bacteria’s favorite food, so the longer sugar lingers on your teeth, the more likely that bacteria will begin to eat it. This weakens your enamel and creates opportunities for that harmful bacteria to hang around and cause a cavity.

Believe it or not, children are not more prone to develop cavities than adults, but there are factors that may put children and elderly individuals at more risk for tooth decay. Children tend to crave and eat sugary foods while doing a poor job brushing their teeth. The elderly tend to take medication that reduces the amount of saliva they produce thus reducing the neutralization properties of saliva. Drinking water throughout the day and regular dental visits can help both children and their grandparents to reduce the chances harmful bacteria may cause a cavity.

Treatment Options

If you wake up to a toothache or notice black spots on a tooth, you may have a cavity. Cavities are a common occurrence and dentists have several means of treating them. Treatment options vary depending on how advanced the tooth decay has become.

Simple Decay- Fluoride treatments and fillings are viable treatment options if the cavity is in its early stages. Your dentist will apply a solution to the decaying tooth to kill harmful bacteria and place a filling where the cavity was to seal the area to prevent further decay. This is a fairly simple and painless method for cavity removal, as well as the most common treatment option.

Serious Decay- If the cavity has progressed beyond the ability of fluoride treatment to remove the bacteria, crowns, root canals and tooth extraction are a dentist’s next line of defense. Crowns are custom coverings for decaying teeth; typically made from porcelain, they work to strengthen your affected tooth once the bacteria has been removed. If the decay reaches the inner tooth or pulp, your dentist will remove the pulp, medicate it to clear any infection, and add a filling. Tooth extraction is a last resort option when the decayed tooth is beyond restoration. Your dentist may recommend a bridge or implant for the gap.

If you would like to find out more about proper brushing habits, contact Dr. Ahmadi at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.

What You Should Know About Flouride | Bell Dentist

There is a lot to be said about the use and consumption of fluoride; it has historically split public opinion Proponents of fluoride tout its ability to aid in the fight against cavities and tooth decay. Opponents say fluoride is a harmful neurotoxin that has been pumped into our community’s water without express permission by the people.

While trace amounts of fluoride have been added to public water for decades, it has yet to cause widespread neurological issues. According to smiledentalcenterct.com, “research has shown that by adding fluoride to public water supplies, tooth decay-related conditions decline by 25 percent among adults and children.” The addition of fluoride is meant to be a public health benefit, rather than a source of controversy.

As with anything, there is such thing as too much fluoride; two dental visits a year and drinking community water, however, isn’t likely to cause harm. Too much fluoride can cause dental fluorosis that changes the color of tooth enamel and is likely to impact children ages eight and younger as their teeth grow in. As a result, it is not recommended to give children fluoride toothpaste- especially as they develop the motor skills to properly brush and not swallow the paste.

A dentist may dissuade a patient from using fluoride toothpaste if they experience an allergic reaction, or if the individual feels strongly about the amount of fluoride in their daily lives. Fluoride-free formulas offer the same cleaning power and are recommended over not using toothpaste; the difference is that on average, fluoride formulas reduce the number of cavities and occurrence of tooth decay one may experience over their lifetime.

In general, trace amounts of fluoride in drinking water work to improve the oral health of our communities and the use of fluoride toothpaste is safe for adults. The decision to use fluoride toothpaste lies with the individual, but he or she may need to take extra steps such as mouthwash and flossing to ensure they receive the cavity-fighting benefits normally provided by fluoride formulas.

If you would like to find out more about proper brushing habits, contact Dr. Ahmadi at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.

Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures | Bell Dentist

Cosmetic dentistry can transform the appearance of your teeth while retaining or enhancing your oral health. Cosmetic dentists may employ the use of anesthesia for surgical improvement, but most cosmetic procedures are non-invasive. If you are interested in improving the look of your smile with cosmetic dentistry, we’ve compiled some of the most common procedures you may consider.

Veneer Application – you can think of a veneer as a thin shell that fits over the surface of your existing teeth to improve the color, shape, size, or length of teeth. Veneers are made of porcelain or a resin composite and permanently bonded to the teeth.

Gum Reshaping – when your gums appear more pronounced than your teeth, or your gemlike is uneven, a cosmetic dentist may recommend gum reshaping. Essentially, a small amount of gum or bone tissue is removed or contoured to even out the appearance of your gum line or tooth ratio.

Crowns – similar to a veneer, dental crowns are a porcelain or ceramic tooth look-alike that fits over a weak or damaged tooth. Crowns are made to fully encase the tooth and can last between five to 15 years depending on how well they are cared for.

Braces – these are within the realm of cosmetic dentistry because braces shift the teeth into optimal positions for your bite and mouth size. Braces are one of the most common procedures a cosmetic dentist may perform, as tooth alignment is just as much about oral health as it is aesthetics.

Teeth Whitening – a common procedure for cosmetic dentists is teeth whitening. Coffee, tobacco, alcohol, predisposition, and many other things can contribute to a less-than-white smile. If over-the-counter methods haven’t quite worked to bring back your pearly whites, you may consider speaking with a cosmetic dentist for a more intense treatment.

Dental Bonding– for chipped, cracked, or gapped teeth, your dentist will apply a tooth-colored resin to the chipped area. They will layer resin, utilizing a UV light to harden it as they go, in order to build back the original look of the chipped tooth or teeth.

If you would like to find out more about proper brushing habits, contact Dr. Ahmadi at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.

Understanding Dental Specialties | Bell Dentist

Believe it or not, not all dentists are the same. In fact, there is a variety of specialties within this field that allow individuals to specialize in different aspects of oral care. Here is a list of dental specialties, and the areas of focus they attend to.

A Prosthodontist repairs deficient teeth and replaces missing ones. As their name suggests, they work with prosthetics and custom-fit dentures and crowns as permanent replacements for missing teeth. 

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons treat diseases, injuries, and defects of hard and soft oral tissues. They may work with patients whose cases require work on the jaw, face, and mouth with issues ranging from misalignment to tumors and cysts within this region.

Endodontists diagnose, treat, and prevent infections and injuries to the pulp or nerves of teeth. You may seek the opinion of an endodontist if you experience acute pain in your tooth, injure a tooth or notice swelling around the teeth and gums. They perform root canals, treat traumatic dental injuries and apply dental implants.

An orthodontist specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and correction of misaligned bites, and the neuromuscular and skeletal abnormalities of orofacial structures. You may visit an orthodontist to evaluate jaw alignment, straighten teeth, close gaps or improve speech. If you are referred to an orthodontist by your dentist, it is important to make a visit to better understand how you may improve your oral alignment as misalignment can lead to serious health concerns later on.

Periodontists are experts on gum health. Your dentist will recommend a periodontist if you show signs of gingivitis (gum disease), have a complex case of gingivitis or are at risk of tooth loss. Periodontists will aid in the prevention of gum disease, and support your natural or manmade teeth as they monitor your soft oral tissues.

If you would like to find out more about proper brushing habits, contact Dr. Ahmadi at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.

Dry Mouth Causes and Symptoms: A Guide | Bell Dentist

Dry mouth can be caused by a natural inability of your glands to produce sufficient saliva, medication, aging issues, or as a result of radiation therapy. Dry mouth is a condition in which one’s salivary glands produce an insufficient amount of saliva to keep your mouth wet.

Saliva is important because it naturally prevents tooth decay by neutralizing acids, limiting bacterial growth, and washing away food particles throughout the day. It also makes food consumption easier as enzymes in the saliva aid in the breakdown of food. While dry mouth is an inconvenience, it can also have a notable impact on your general and oral health.

Dry Mouth Habits:

  – Consumption of caffeine and alcohol

– The use of tobacco, antihistamines, and decongestants

– Consumption of sugary, acidic, spicy, or salty foods 

Common Symptoms:

– Dryness or sticky mouth feel

– Bad breath

– Dry or grooved tongue

– Difficulty chewing, speaking, and swallowing


– Increased plaque

– Mouth sores

– Tooth decay

– Gum disease

– Sores or split skin around the mouth

Due to the variety of causes for dry mouth, it’s important to discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor. Your dentist however may be a good resource for suggestions about protecting your teeth.

At-home remedies:

– Sip water or chew ice chips during the day and during meals

– Chew sugar-free gum

– Over-the-counter saliva substitutes

– Breathe through your nose

– Utilize a humidifier

Contact Dr. Ahmadi today at 323-312-0500 to schedule a consultation or visit www.dentalandimplantcare.com for additional information.

Dr. Mike Ahmadi proudly serves Bell and all surrounding areas.